• Enroll Online

    FPS introduces easy online signup to its Claim Filing Services. Eligible businesses may receive potentially substantial cash payments from specific class action antitrust settlements, based on their prior purchases.

    With a few easy steps you can retain FPS for your class action settlement refund recovery!

Welcome to FPS

Financial Power Services, LLC (FPS) is a B2B firm that offers exclusive business products, tools, and resources.

Often, FPS locates and contacts select businesses we have prequalified as top candidates for time-sensitive and industry specific opportunities. These opportunities may involve fast approaching deadline dates for Claim Filing and subsequent Monetary Recovery of possible substantial assets, such as:

Unclaimed Money - Refund, Property, Account or Other Asset-related Recovery & Claims - Class Action Settlement Claim & Refund - Unique Market Growth Opportunity - Profit Opportunity in possible Unknown, Unconsidered or Un-Utilized area of Your Company or Industry - Trade Secrets or Class Action Settlement Refund Alerts that affects Your Particular Business or  Industry - Other Important or Sensitive Information on Income for Your Company.

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